
Friday, July 24, 2009

Dear Walmart

What's up with your tacky bright blue and gold color scheme? Simply said, it's obnoxious. And now that you have moved everything that was on the right side of the aisle to the left, I hate you even more. And let's not even talk about how you have jacked up the prices on my every-week items now that the store is in utter chaos.

I hope ALDI kicks your competition butt when they move into town.


thatsilverlining said...

I was overwhelmed when they changed the aisles, too! I try to shop elsewhere if I can, but I'm not all out boycotting them or anything.

Kristen said...

I was very frustrated at Wal-Mart tonight too... They were out of half the stuff on my list. In their quest to keep the people who came during the low economic turn, they are going to lose their bread and butter.

Lindsay said...

I can't really boycott them, but I will do my best to plan shopping trips to the corridor so I don't HAVE to shop there.

Cara said...

Ahhhhh....the sweet sounds of wal-mart anger. 'tis music to my ears.