
Friday, March 18, 2011

Foster Care, Part III

God is moving, He is working, He is sovereign. Amen?

Just to bring you up to speed one what is going on at our house. January was a ridiculous month full of 30 hours worth of training, a ream of paperwork, CPR certification, and new friends. February brought two home study meetings which went smoothly and remarkably quick. March brings us to waiting. Waiting on someone to go through our ream of paperwork and schedule us for a DHS home visit. I’m prepping that visit to be a check everything in your house including what’s in your underwear drawer, Mrs. Larsen type of visit. Maybe it’s not, but I’m mentally preparing myself for a complete stranger to walk through the house poking around in drawers and checking to see what I can cram underneath my bed. (Let me tell you, it’s impressive what I can pack under a bed and in a closet!)

Can I just tell you that fostering and adopting is popping up everywhere in my life? From Bible Study to ads to call-in radio shows, I’m getting confirmation left and right. The latest occurrence was last week when I was driving home from a friend’s house at midnight. An ad comes on the secular station I’m jamming to that says multiple children in the foster care system are eligible for adoption, even teenagers. Ok, I got it; you don’t have to give me blinking marquee signs every single time! How great is it that even at midnight God still has time to remind me that we’re on the right path.

Then yesterday, this story breaks locally. It will take your breath away.

Please pray for patience. It’s very hard to read stories like these and know we are stuck in a broken bureaucratic pipeline.

1 comment:

hwilson718 said...

Lindsay thanks for the update. I'm so excited about the new adventure y'all are about to take. As a teacher I was always thankful for families like yours that were willing to step in. I wanted to take a couple of kids in but it just wasn't in our plan. Thank you for what you all are going to do and know that you're in my prayers! Please continue to keep us updated.