
Monday, August 31, 2009

Barron Boys

Super cute pic of the Barron Boys (thanks to Cara)! Today is the day when the Monica, Cara, and the boys travel back to the U.S. and Severiano heads back to his home in Mexico. Just eight more weeks until the second interview. Keep the Barrons in your prayers!

Oh, and here is a pic of my sister with the boys to prove that she really did go to Mexico! ;)

Hopefully the next Barron family photo will be in front of their house in the U.S.!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Mexican Lasagna

1lb ground beef
1/2 c. chopped green pepper
1/2 c. onion (about a half of an onion)
1/3 c. water
taco seasoning
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained

1 can refried beans
6 flour tortillas (small)
2 c. Mexican or cheddar cheese

Brown ground beef or turkey with onion and pepers. Drain off access grease. Add water, taco seasoning to your taste, diced tomatoes, and black beans. Simmer for about 10 minutes until it's slightly thick.

Spray a 7"x11" (or similar size) glass pan with non-stick spray. Spread refried beans over tortillas and place in bottom of the pan. Then add the meat mixture on the top, about 1/2. Add as much cheese as you like, then repeat with another layer of tortillas and refried beans, meat and cheese. Sprinkle cheese on top of casserole and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.

Let it cool for about 10 minutes before you cut into it. Serve with sour cream, salsa, pico, guachamole or whatever you like.

You can also prepare this and freeze it for up to a month. Make sure you fully defrost it before you bake it. Sorry, I don't have a finished product shot because my boys tor into before I could get a picture.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait...Again

News from the Barrons - first interview is done and Severiano now has to navigate a second interview. Praise God for second interviews/chances! Will post more details when I have them.

Thanks for your prayers, but keep them coming, it ain't over yet!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Barron Family Update

Things seem to be going well in Juarez for the Barron family. They've had time to reconnect as a whole family, which has been good for everyone. Thank you so, so, so much for your prayers, they are helping!

  • Monica, Cara, and the boys made it to Juarez and Severiano's bus came in on time too!
  • Reconnection as a family
  • Severiano passed his medical exam yesterday after 10+ hours of waiting
Prayer Request:
  • Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! I'm praying for a jubilee day for the Barrons. They've been waiting for a very long time to be together. I'm also praying the immigration officer will look at Sev's case and say, "Why the heck have we kept you here so long. You need to be with your family - APPROVED!"
  • Kalen and Simon have been a bit under the weather and in turn have been a little cranky.
  • Continued rest and peace for everyone.
Again, thanks to my sister for these pics.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Not-So-Helpful Airlines

This is why you should never fly American Airlines with children (or ever for that matter.) Read more here.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pray for the Barron Family!

First, photo credit goes to my sister for this way beyond adorable pic of baby Simon. He belongs to our cousin Monica.

Monica, Kalen (see birthday post), Simon and Cara are headed to Mexico in a few days to reunite with Severiano (Monica's Hubby). Please remember them in your prayers through the end of the month.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to School Tip 542

You know those address labels that you get in the mail that try to guilt you in giving money to an organization? I found a new purpose for them yesterday. I took them to open house night at school where you have to fill out your address on what seems like 1,548.5 pieces of paper. (And while I'm on the subject, dear heavens school district, put those pesky forms ONLINE next year.) So instead of repeatedly writing our address, I stuck a return address label.

Now, if we can all just remember this helpful hint until next year...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Squeezing Summer

It's been about a week since my last post. We're trying to use all of our last moments of summer before school starts next Wednesday. It's time for a normal routine to start around this house. We've been relaxed a little too long.

For all your shopaholics, I'm in search of two things: 1) new bathroom towels and floor mats 2) new lamps for my bedroom. I sold my lamps at my garage sale last week because Hubbs was never really a fan.

If you know of any fabulous place to get towels and/or super cute lamps, let me know. I'm on the hunt.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kalen!

Yesterday we celebrated Kalen's 4th birthday at Incredible Pizza. We had lots of fun. Here are a few pictures from the party.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Help-Us Hannah, Plumbing Problem!!!!

A simple fix turned into "I'm going to change out all the parts." This also led to several words we can't repeat on the blog and an elevated blood pressure. Thank God for the in-laws stopping by and Hubbs getting a call from work (where he is right now.) The laws are at Lowes getting the simple fix parts so hopefully we can get this project back under control before Hubbs returns from work.

Pray for us, it's been a frustrating day thus far...